Over the years, Kristi and Ja'Niya's mom have formed a line of communication that has helped the match get together on a consistent basis in order to build the relationship that they have.
Kristi and J’Niya have been matched for 3-years. Ja’Niya is 10-years-old and attends Charity Adams Earley Girls Academy. She lives at home with her mother, stepmother, and older brother who is also matched in the program. Ja’Niya was enrolled in the BBBS program because her mother wanted her to have a positive role model in her life and for someone to help her learn.
Over the years, Kristi and Ja’Niya have enjoyed a variety of different activities but over the past year, they stayed connected virtually when outings were suspended due to COVID-19. Once the suspension was lifted they went on the Santa train ride in Lebanon, attended Easter at Scene 75, visited metroparks, made their own terrariums at Now and Zen, went swimming, attended a Dayton Dragons game, Englewood Fun Center, and used tickets to different events provided by BBBS. Since July, they’ve also enjoyed also enjoyed doing a couple of group outings with another BBBS match. Although it’s not considered an outing, Ja’Niya enjoys taking Kristi’s children’s yoga class in Huber Heights.
Over the years, Kristi and Ja’Niya’s mom have formed a line of communication that has helped the match get together on a consistent basis in order to build the relationship that they have.